Previous sermon series delivered by the teaching team of Redwood Christian Church during 2017
2017 Sermon series
We all make them each year, but do we ever really stop to think about why we do so? As 2017 comes to a close, we look at first step to resolving to become a better version of ourselves - finding out who we really are and who we'd like to become. (December 31, 2017)
Christmastime means our favorite holiday classics on TV all season long. In this fun series, we learn some lessons from a few of our favorite Christmas movies. (November 26 - December 24, 2017)
40 years ago this week, a charter was signed and Redwood Christian Church became an official reality. Join us as we celebrate the past and look forward to the future. (November 19, 2017)
Families comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Sadly, they can be stressful, hurtful, and flat out dysfunctional. In this series, we examine 4 families from the book of Genesis and see they weren't all that different from ours today. (October 22 - November 12, 2017)
Our mission is to help people say "yes" to their next step. But just as important is how we plan on doing that. Every verb needs an adverb. In this 6-part series, we look at our core values to see how we plan on fulfilling our mission at Redwood. (September 10 - October 15, 2017)
Special guest Vance Russell, a professor at Boise Bible College, visits to talk about the true nature of our hope and our peace - Jesus. (September 3, 2017)
The Book of James is as relevant to the Church today as it was when it was written nearly 2,000 years ago. We break down this book to see how we can practically put the Gospel to work in our lives and in our church. (July 2 - August 27, 2017)
Ever wonder what the people who walked with Jesus were really like? In this 6-part series, we look at the faith of people like Mary, Nicodemus, Peter, John the Baptist, and others and see how our faith can lead us to a better understanding of who Jesus really is. (May 14 -June 18, 2017)
One of the most difficult parts of being a Christian can be sharing your faith with others. It can be scary, intimidating or, well, just plain awkward. In this series, we unpack 3 simple steps you can put into your everyday life to make sharing your faith with others easier. (April 23 - May 7, 2017)
Life is full of difficult questions. And often those hard questions can be the toughest obstacle to someone coming to faith in Christ. In this series, we unpack 6 of the most challenging questions Christians and non-Christians ask in regards to God and faith in Jesus. (March 12 - April 16, 2017)
Whatever your situation in life, Jesus is greater than. Whatever people, places, or purposes in your life, Jesus is greater than. In this 9-part series, we unpack the Book of Hebrews, a letter rich with the message of the superiority of Jesus. (January 1 - February 26, 2017)