Our Joy:

We Eagerly Serve Others

It's one of our core values - we exist to serve others as Christ served others. Our belief is that as people choose to serve, whether in our church, in our local community, or around the world, the impact of that service will change lives - for those serving, for the people they serve, and even for those who see them giving their time to help someone else.

In the Church...

Each and every week God is changing lives at Redwood. But did you know that the stories of life change are only possible because of the volunteers that give of their time and energy to help make Redwood possible? Volunteering at Redwood is one simple and rewarding way to use the gifts and talents that God has uniquely given you! If you are interested in serving in one of the areas listed below, please contact us at admin@redwoodchristian.org

Areas of service at Redwood

  • First Impressions
  • Kids/Youth
  • Worship team
  • Audio/video
  • Lord's Storehouse foodbank
  • Building/Maintenance

In the Community...

As a church, we want to be known for our extraordinary generosity - both time and money - toward those in our local community. As God has blessed us, we serve as a blessing to others.